Tuesday, 27 October 2015

12.Poster Skills Development (by Aaron Toombs)

Our poster is similar to professional ones because we have taken some of our ideas from professional covers. For our real poster we were thinking of using the same techniques we have used for our previous cover on task 10 e.g Photoshop, editing everything in a certain way such as black and white. Although we were thinking of doing something slightly different and including some colour for example making everything black and white and then rubbing out the coloured parts we want on show. Also in style of our topic inspiration, we might rip our album cover and montage it like The Weeknd has done here for his "Beauty Behind the Madness" album cover.

I like this style album cover because its original and it art styled like old fashioned covers. Modern album covers focus more on photography work and I think most other groups will do that so to make ours different, montaging would be a good technique. I think that we should include some colour though because otherwise our work would look like too much of a direct copy, also I would like our album cover to represent the video, perhaps like a singles cover would rather than a complete album. I think a singles album cover would work better anyway because it represents the song singularly rather than a collection of songs. Therefore overall I think our album cover should relate as much to the video as possible. 

This way if we take The Weeknd's ideas and interpret them in our own way at least then we have the idea of a professional cover but also we have the styles etc. and ideas for our own, I don't particularly like album covers which includes faces but I think that's another way for singers/producers to promote their star image and gain more recognition whereas i feel like album covers which don't include faces are more creative and focus more on the music and the video. Additionally I think the more creative the cover is, the video also tends to be more creative and the artist themselves focus more on the art of the music rather than their fame, so I think our album cover should include something creative rather than a face, because that is too simple. However I still like The Weeknd's cover because it includes art based work rather than just a plain photo, it appeals more to people when you have a good album cover and people will become more interested if it appeals to the eye as people do tend to "judge a book by its cover". 

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